He was attacked by a werewolf at five years old, and Dumbledore makes special accommodations for him to attend school by locking him in a creepy shack once a month. Remus Lupin’s upbringing wasn’t much better. The Shoebox Project was set during those school days at Hogwarts, and depicted Remus and Sirius first falling for each other. These were two adult characters in the books that were friends with Harry’s dad James when they were at Hogwarts with each other, and based on what readers knew about their history, it was a popular fan theory that they were lovers.

While Ron/Hermione is an easy ship to explain - they get together in the books after all - Sirius/Remus as a pairing wasn’t as embedded in the text. Most fandoms were pretty ship heavy in a post X-Files, Scully/Mulder world, and the Harry Potter books did tease a little “will they, won’t they,” with pairings like Ron and Hermione, which would only add fuel to the shipping fire.

Its fandom was preoccupied with shipping, the act of writing fanfiction about, or just generally liking a romantic pairing of two characters. Harry Potter was one of the largest fandoms in the early 2000s, which makes sense, because the Harry Potter books were an international phenomenon. A great example of how a derivative work can add to a piece of media is the incredibly popular Harry Potter fanfiction, The Shoebox Project. At its worst fanfiction is self indulgent, but at its best, fanfiction transforms the work it’s based on, and gives small moments in the canon more depth. If you don’t read fanfiction, it’s hard to really understand the purpose it serves.